Blackjack Scoring

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SCORE is a method of measurement that takes into account optimal betting and risk in addition to advantage. For an in-depth description, see Blackjack Attack by Don Schlesinger. For the purposes of this discussion, SCORE directly relates to your hourly win rate. The chart at the right shows the SCORE for the same game as the previous chart. Scoring Blackjack Hands Each card in blackjack is worth a different number of points. Numbered cards – those of ranks between two and ten – are worth a number of points equal to their printed rank. For instance, a seven is worth seven points.

Aces may have a value of 1 or 11 based on the player's hand. If the player has three cards and one ace, then if the sum of the cards is. How to Play Blackjack - Learn basic blackjack rules in this simple step-by-step guide to playing. Discover how to bet and improve your odds of winning! If the dealer has 21 or a closer score. Scoring the game of Blackjack Finally, the game is settled by simple rules If the player has blackjack, they win, unless the dealer also has blackjack, in which case the game is a tie. If the dealer busts and the player doesn't, the player wins.

Hi all. I am new to the forum and excited to be a part of a community of APs. I am a green chip card counter who plays part time outside of my regular job.
Just curious what SCORE (blackjack attack number developed by Don S) is considered acceptable for most serious blackjack players? I personally will not even think about a game less than 30, and I am ideally looking for 50 plus. Sadly though less than a quarter of Blackjack games probably meet those minimum requirements. H17 AND 1.5 to 2 decks cut off a shoe is forcing people to reconsider if the game is playable. A lot of variance and headache for not much reward.
SCORE is a very small part of what determines whether a game is playable for me. I don't mean to dismiss SCORE, as it is a valuable tool for comparing different games. But there are other things that are much more important to me, like tolerance level of that particular casino. I mean a high SCORE means little if you can't get much money down before drawing heat. By definition, the games at El Cortez have a pretty high score, but most players can't make much money there. :/
Also, a game with a mediocre score which I am able to play heads up with a quick dealer is much more valuable me than a game with a better score, but that I will get far fewer rounds in the same time frame.

Blackjack Points

Most of my AP is non-BJ, so I can be a bit more strict with what I play, since I'm not playing BJ every day grinding out many hours. If a game doesn't have a high SCORE or hourly and low risk etc etc....I generally won't play it....well, I won't go out of my way to go play it, but if I'm at a store with poor pen dealer or sweaty boss, I'll play with a lower score. But I play almost exclusively pitch games.
I don't remember what the SCOREs are for all the games/conditions I play, but I generally play with a SCORE of 100. With super good conditions, I think it may be 115-120.
I think most CCs play games in the 60-80 SCORE range.
But it's ultimately up to you. Run the sims and look at all the different outputs. Then think about it, 'Can I get away with this spread at this store? Am I willing to put up with this kind of variance? Is it 'worth it' enough for me to play this way?' Some people, like KJ, (I think) are fine with variance. I on the other hand, don't want an hourly SD of $4k to make $50/hour.

Some people, like KJ, (I think) are fine with variance.

SystemI think you are reading the other site too much, RS. lol. Someone over there always says I am ok with variance, as he promotes his super-duper, non-linear thing-a-ma-bob. You know, the greatest system ever that wins 10 times the amount with smaller spreads and NO variance. No losing what-so-ever. Just like a job...every few hours you take out your hourly. :/
Unfortunately blackjack card counting doesn't work that way. There IS variance involved. I have accepted that, but I am not 'fine' with it. I knew that before I ever started. Every single legit book on card counting talks about the large bankroll necessary to withstand the wild swings. And with worse conditions in recent years, those swings get wilder and the bankroll necessary grows larger.
BUT I wouldn't say I am fine with variance. That is like saying you are fine with losing and really....who is? This time one year ago, I was just finishing my worst year in a decade as far as blackjack results. $27,000 profit vs expectation (EV) of more than 3 times that amount. And during most of the second half of that year, I b*tched & moaned and cried like a baby.
So no I am not 'fine' with variance. It's part of the occupation, much like backoffs and odd hours. I accept that and deal with it as best I can, but definitely not 'fine' with it.

I think you are reading the other site too much, RS. lol. Someone over there always says I am ok with variance, as he promotes his super-duper, non-linear thing-a-ma-bob. You know, the greatest system ever that wins 10 times the amount with smaller spreads and NO variance. No losing what-so-ever. Just like a job...every few hours you take out your hourly.

'Those' people don't leave their computers long enough to even enter a casino let alone play the 'count system' they've supposedly devised. When you have the amount of time to type thirty or more 5 paragraph posts a day, you don't have time to win money in a casino. Don't even engage them.
I guess people think I am 'OK' with variance because I play a variety of games, double deck, 6 deck, even a few 8 deckers, with really good pen and I play a variety of spreads, ramps and max bets, all which 'invites' or leads to variance. But that is not by choice. That is what is available.
I wish I could play all decent double deck games. That's what I was anticipating when I moved to Vegas, only to find out in short order that most double deck games are counter traps, rendering them unplayable, for someone interested in any kind of longevity in this town.
In the absence of that, I would like to play all 6 deck games cutting off half deck or 3/4 deck. There's a few of these in my rotation, but not the number I need for a full rotation to insure any kind of longevity. So I add in 6 deck games with a deck cut off. That's a few more games, but still no where near enough.
So, to fill out my rotation, I play a few good and tolerant double deck, a few really good 6 deck, a few pretty good 6 deck and some mediocre 6 deck and even a couple 8 deck games. Then you add in different tolerance levels, meaning spread and max bets for these games, and boom...instant MEGA variance.
Kind of funny, when I started out, my first 5+ year in Atlantic City, there wasn't such a variety of games. There was no double deck games. Everything was 6 or 8 deck games with the same 2 decks cut off. (There was a 4 deck game at one casino for a short time, but that became almost like a card counter convention....too hot for me).
So I attacked all my games in the same manner. Same spread. Same max bet. And really I experienced a whole lot less variance back in those days. A much smaller win rate, but a whole lot less variance. Between the two scenarios, I'll take the much higher win rate and deal with the variance the best I can. :/

'Those' people don't leave their computers long enough to even enter a casino let alone play the 'count system' they've supposedly devised. When you have the amount of time to type thirty or more 5 paragraph posts a day, you don't have time to win money in a casino. Don't even engage them.

Seems an odd statement from someone with 7,960 posts.:) (Sorry Shack, couldn’t resist.)

Blackjack Scoring Hand

Over a decade back, a forum declared war against all other forums. That forum is now gone without a single post archived. I detest forum wars. Most of us in the AP community realize that casinos should be the focus of our spleen. Spreading misleading statements about other fora or players aides no one but the casinos. Please let us keep the community together. We have chosen a tough foe with political power, massive funds, the ability to write the rules, and control who plays. Fighting one another is not the answer.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” - Philo of Alexandria
Have a happy and prosperous new year,

How To Keep Score In Blackjack

'It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.' -Epictetus

BUT I wouldn't say I am fine with variance. That is like saying you are fine with losing and really....who is? This time one year ago, I was just finishing my worst year in a decade as far as blackjack results. $27,000 profit vs expectation (EV) of more than 3 times that amount. And during most of the second half of that year, I b*tched & moaned and cried like a baby.

This is why I'm starting to believe being a professional gambler is not possible for most of us. Including the very best of us. The more income I earn away from the casino, the less I care about variance -- and at times even prefer it -- which helps increase profits and minimize time required.
Quote: RS

Most of my AP is non-BJ, so I can be a bit more strict with what I play, since I'm not playing BJ every day grinding out many hours. If a game doesn't have a high SCORE or hourly and low risk etc etc....

Blackjack ScoringAs an occasional blackjack player I see it as almost the opposite. All I can about is if I can overcome the house edge within a few minutes without having to go over $50 max bet. Other than that, rules and penetration are meaningless. If I'm at the casino anyway and wouldn't be bothered by losing $200 and 30 minutes I'll sit down and play. But most days I would just rather spend the time at the sportsbook, buffet, library, or gym.

Poker Scoring System


“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” - Philo of Alexandria
Have a happy and prosperous new year,

There is no gambling forum that is immune to idiocy and posers. Poker
I am personally very grateful to Norm for all the great work he has done. There are very few in this industry who are just outright generous and Norm stands alone when it comes to the blackjack card counting information he has developed through his own research and made available to the public for free.
Personal website:

Blackjack 21 Cards

This is why I don't count cards any longer. Too long of a wait for a miniscule edge with high variance and the use of a bet spread. Not to mention the aggravation of other players (and yes I know the joke of others at the table).

Poker Scoring Chart

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